55 research outputs found

    Proposal for a 1 � 3 Goos-H�nchen shift-assisted de/multiplexer based on a multilayer structure containing quantum dots

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    A multilayer structure with the wavelength selective features based on Goos-H�nchen (GH) shift is proposed and investigated. We present a layered media containing quantum dots for active control of the GH shift for the reflected light. This configuration includes a distributed Bragg reflector to have minimum optical power transmission to the substrate. In addition, a passive cladding layer is used to enhance the total lateral shift for the reflected beams. For a fixed structure and incident angle, our results demonstrate that by proper manipulation of the optical properties and susceptibility of the active layer, de/multiplexing capabilities of such a device could be controlled. This type of grating-less device can be used as a compact wavelength division multiplexing system with actively controllable channel spacing. We demonstrate possibility of a 1 � 3 de/multiplexer with channel spacing of 2 nm. � 2016 Author(s)

    Privacy-Preserving Patient Similarity Learning in a Federated Environment: Development and Analysis

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    Background: There is an urgent need for the development of global analytic frameworks that can perform analyses in a privacy-preserving federated environment across multiple institutions without privacy leakage. A few studies on the topic of federated medical analysis have been conducted recently with the focus on several algorithms. However, none of them have solved similar patient matching, which is useful for applications such as cohort construction for cross-institution observational studies, disease surveillance, and clinical trials recruitment. Objective: The aim of this study was to present a privacy-preserving platform in a federated setting for patient similarity learning across institutions. Without sharing patient-level information, our model can find similar patients from one hospital to another. Methods: We proposed a federated patient hashing framework and developed a novel algorithm to learn context-specific hash codes to represent patients across institutions. The similarities between patients can be efficiently computed using the resulting hash codes of corresponding patients. To avoid security attack from reverse engineering on the model, we applied homomorphic encryption to patient similarity search in a federated setting. Results: We used sequential medical events extracted from the Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care-III database to evaluate the proposed algorithm in predicting the incidence of five diseases independently. Our algorithm achieved averaged area under the curves of 0.9154 and 0.8012 with balanced and imbalanced data, respectively, in ??-nearest neighbor with ??=3. We also confirmed privacy preservation in similarity search by using homomorphic encryption. Conclusions: The proposed algorithm can help search similar patients across institutions effectively to support federated data analysis in a privacy-preserving manner

    Design of an Intelligent Reporting System for Cardiac Catheterization

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    A3-2: The Signs and Symptoms of Heart Failure are Frequently Documented to Wax and Wane in the Years Prior to a Clinical Diagnosis of Heart Failure: Data from 4,644 Patients Followed in Primary Care

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    Perkembangan pemikiran Islam Indonesia akhir-akhir ini dapat dikatakan cukup membanggakan. Umat Islam tidak lagi dihadapkan dengan satu pola pikir, melainkan berbagai ragam bentuk pemikiran. Namun, yang memperhatinkan, adanya kecenderungan kalangan tertentu yang terlalu mengagungkan corak pemikiran para modernis dan dekonstruksionis untuk dijadikan “imam mazhab” baru. Meskipun menggunakan kerangka metodologi yang berbeda, pada prinsipnya kesemua pemikir modern itu sepakat untuk melakukan pembacaan ulang terhadap tura>th Islam (‘ia>dah qira>\u27ah al-tura>th) agar dapat berjalan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Salah satu diantaranya adalah al-Ja>biri> dengan karya tetralogi yang tergabung dalam proyek peradabannya, namun yang akan dikaji dalam makalah hasil penelitian ini adalah konsep Fiqh al-Siayasah-nya yang ia sebut dengan istilah “nalar politik arab”. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian makalah ini adalah analisis isi lewat studi pustaka, karena memang jenis dan sumber data dari penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Adapun nalar politik Arab yang dimaksud al-Ja>biri> dalam bukunya al-‘Aql al-Siya>si> al-‘Arabi> tak lain adalah “motif-motif (muh}addida>>t) tindakkan politik (cara menjalankan kekuasaan dalam sebuah masyarakat), serta manifestasi/ pengejawantahan (tajalliya>t) teoritis dan praktisnya yang bersifat sosiologis”. Disebut “nalar” (‘aql), karena motif-motif tindakan politik dan manifestasinya tersebut, semua tunduk dan dijalankan atas sebentuk logika internal yang mengorganisasi hubungan antar pelbagai unsurnya. Logika ini pada akhirnya berupa prinsip-prinsip yang dapat disifati dan dianalisis secara kongkrit. Dikatakan sebagai “politik” (siya>si>) karena tugasnya bukanlah mereproduksi pengetahuan, tapi menjalankan sebentuk kekuasaan; sebuah otoritas pemerintahan atau menjelaskan tata cara pelaksanaannya